All Emmy Winner or Emmy Nominated Spots

2009 Emmy Nomination. Spent night following anchors. Re-enforce brand as the serious news in Boston. Produced and edited.

This and the following spots were part of Emmy Award winning campaign. Wrote, produced and posted.


Web / Mobile On-Air

One of first app spots in market. Wrote, produced, edited and graphics.

Website spots can make a website look bad.

I like to utilize imagery from the news operation, mixed with fast paced product shots. Wrote, produced, edited and graphics.

A website spot focused on features, keeping the attention zeroed in on interactivity. Wrote, produced, edited and graphics.

A chance to add some personality. Wrote, produced, edited and graphics.

Breaking News Image

Wrote, produced, edited and graphics.



Topical Promotion

Wrote, produced and edited.


Wrote, produced and edited.


Wrote, produced, edited and graphic text.


Wrote, produced, edited and graphics.